


New Changes in Subsidy Policy for Purchasing Agricultural Machinery in 2017 in 29 Provinces

In recent years, the subsidy policy for purchasing agricultural machinery has been the booster for the development of agricultural mechanization in China and the wand to regulate and control and guide supply and demand of the agricultural machinery market. Especially in the context of the sluggish agricultural machinery market in 2017, new adjustment and changes in the subsidy policy for purchasing agricultural machinery may even affect the trend of the agricultural machinery market.

At the National Agricultural Mechanization Conference held in January 2017, the general keynote of focusing on optimizing the subsidy policy for purchasing agricultural machinery was specified. As of May 3, 29 out of 38 (including the Ministry of Agriculture) provinces (regions, municipalities), agricultural reclamation and corps system across the country in charge of management and implementation of the subsidy policy for purchasing agricultural machinery have introduced the opinions on the implementation of subsidies for purchasing agricultural machinery in succession, or have made public the schedule of subsidy amount for purchasing agricultural machinery, accounting for 76% of the management and implementation departments, and 22 of them have published the catalogue of subsidy amount for agricultural machinery products, accounting for 57% of the total management and implementation departments. After reading and combing the opinions on implementation of subsidies for purchasing agricultural machinery from these departments and analyzing the published schedule of subsidy amount for purchasing agricultural machinery, we can see the new characteristics of changes and adjustment in ten aspects of the subsidy policy in various places for purchasing agricultural machinery in 2017.

Focus on granting subsidies to ecological and green products

At the end of 2016, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture jointly introduced the Reform Plan for Establishing the Green Ecology-oriented Agricultural Subsidy System, requiring to promote agricultural supply-side structural reform and improve the agricultural subsidy policy with the focus on the goals of safeguarding the security of supply of grain and other major agricultural products, farmer’s stable income and agro ecological environment protection.

According to the reform orientation of the national agricultural subsidy policy, the provinces (regions) and municipalities have taken the initiative to timely take corresponding policy measures in the opinions with the focus on supporting green agriculture and in combination with the local actual conditions in the Opinions on Subsidy for Purchasing Agricultural Machinery in 2017.

As the pacesetter in national agricultural modernization, Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation Area gives the priority of subsidy for agricultural machinery in 2017 to the agricultural machinery products in relation to green production mode, mainly including rice-side deep fertilizer distributor, rice vibrating and mud extracting machine, rice bowl-planting machine, potato precision seeder and potato harvester, etc.

Tianjin requires that the subsidy fund shall focus on the green eco-environmental protection machines and tools, large-scale machines and tools that can promote agricultural scaled operation and the mechanized machines and tools in key links of advantageous and characteristic industries. In addition, the protective farming machinery for deep scarification and soil preparation, no-tillage seeding, efficient plant protection and water-saving irrigation and the machinery for green and environmental protection development in comprehensive utilization of straws, collection of used plastic film and processing of fecal residue and waste water shall be mainly subsidized.

Gansu ensures that it will provide sufficient subsidies for machines and tools for deep scarification and soil preparation, no-tillage seeding, efficient plant protection and efficient fertilization and machines and tools for green development such as straw turnover and collection of used plastic film, etc.

Hubei will provide key subsidies for machines and tools for deep scarification and soil preparation, no-tillage seeding, efficient plant protection and efficient fertilization and machines and tools for green development such as straw turnover, recycling utilization of livestock waste, etc.

Liaoning specifies that it will provide sufficient subsidies for energy-saving and environmental protection machines and tools that support green development such as deep scarification and soil preparation, no-tillage seeding, efficient plant protection and straw turnover, etc.

Provinces with sufficient subsidies for machines and tools and the scope are expanding

Guangdong, Anhui, Hubei, Shaanxi, Henan and other provinces and Guangxi and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions have positively responded to the spirit of “shrinking the scope, controlling the quota and promoting sufficient subsidies” of the Ministry of Agriculture, clearly stipulating that it will provide sufficient subsidies and expand the scope of sufficient subsidy on the basis of 2016.

Hubei and Qinghai provide sufficient subsidies for all machines and tools within the scope of subsidy catalogue to make sure that everything that can be found will be subsidized; scope of sufficient subsidy for machines and tools in Anhui has been expanded from less than 7 products in 2016 to 12 products in 2017, including subs oiler, rice transplanted.

With the focus on the main links and weak links of agricultural production, Shanghai chooses to provide sufficient subsidies for 13 items, including rice (paddy and dry rice) direct sowing machine, rice transplanted and drill planter, etc.

Gansu adopts the practice of promoting the sufficient subsidies within the county territory and then promoting sufficient subsidies within the province on this basis. Guangxi stipulates that it will provide sufficient subsidies issued by the central finance for six kinds of machines within the region, including wheeled tractor, rice transplanted and so on. As for Inner Mongolia, it provides sufficient subsidies for key machines, mainly including no-tillage seeder above 6 rows, subs oiler and other machines and tools.

Multiple provinces and municipalities carry on implementing the local accumulation fund for subsidies

Guangxi, Qinghai Province and Tianjin speed up improving the weak links based on the problem of weak links in the development of regional agricultural machinery, and implement local finance subsidy specific to some agricultural machinery products to deeply mobilize the initiative of farmers to purchase the agricultural machinery products required for weak links.

Guangxi Autonomous Region has relatively more agricultural machinery products applicable to the accumulation subsidy of the local supporting fund, and the supporting fund will apply 50% accumulation subsidy of the central finance’s subsidy to rice translators and seedling nursery equipment, tractors above 120hp and recycling food dryer. In addition, the supporting fund will apply 100% accumulation subsidy of the central finance’s subsidy to cane planter and harvester, inclined hanging disc cane cutting and paving machine with a four-stroke gasoline engine.

Based on the central finance’s subsidy, Qinghai may use the provincial fund not exceeding 90% of the central finance’s subsidy for accumulation subsidy to subsidize subs oiler, feed crop harvester and feed (forage grass) processing machinery, while other machines and tools shall be accumulatively subsidized in the amount of less than 50% of the central finance’s subsidy.

Shenyang will grant municipal subsidies at 40% of the national subsidy standard separately for subs oiler, pivot plow and other products listed in Scope of Machines and Tools with Subsidy for Purchasing Agricultural Machinery in 2017 in Liaoning based on the national subsidy.

Many provinces carry out pilot market-oriented reform for subsidized products

Shanghai specifies that Bright Food Group, Greenport SIIC and Shanghai Real Estate Agricultural Investment Company can also be seen as the project implementing units of the central and municipal subsidy finance fund for agricultural machinery to enjoy the subsidies for purchasing agricultural machinery.

Anhui gives the machinery purchaser the opportunity to choose the subsidized product distributor, make an independent choice of the subsidized product distributor to purchase the machinery and can break through the provincial limits by purchasing machinery through enterprise’s direct selling and so on.

Hunan will grant 20 million Yuan in 2017 to carry out the pilot project of subsidizing the new products, including crawler self-propelled rotary cultivator, light-weight crawler tractor and dry anaerobic digestion device of organic waste.

Inner Mongolia uses some of the funds from the slice of subsidy fund arranged for herdsman’s purchase of machinery to carry out the pilot project of subsidy policy for purchasing imported livestock husbandry machinery products in Hulunbeier and Xilin Gol League.

Adjustment shall be made to add some products to the catalogue of items

With regard to unreasonable division of individual agricultural product and the higher subsidy, some provinces timely detect the problem to re-adjust the division of some products this year.

For example, Xinjiang Autonomous Region subdivides the items of boom sprayers once again; Chongqing adjusts the subdivision and subsidy limit for light-weight crawler tractor, fruit and vegetable dryer and other subsidized agricultural machinery products; Hubei adds 5 products, including the light-weight crawler tractor which is 50hp and above, fertilizer preparation machine and centrifugal pump, etc.; Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation Area has 91 products that are disqualified for the subsidy compared to 2016; Qinghai selects 69 items of 24 subclasses in 10 categories from the kinds of machines and tools subsidized by the central finance as the scope of fund subsidy, decreased by 15 compared to last year; Tianjin includes tube planter and harvester in the city’s subsidy scope for the first time.

Further streamline administration and delegate power to the lower levels, highlighting the responsibilities of administrative departments at city and county levels 

In recent years, the tendency of streamlining administration and delegating power to the lower levels has been extremely obvious when it comes to the subsidy policy for purchasing agricultural machinery, and the central ministries and commissions delegate power to provinces and then provincial agricultural machinery management departments will delegate the power to cities and counties, so that local departments will have more autonomous right. Compared to the previous year, there are more items of delegating power in the local subsidy policy in 2017, so that the grassroots agricultural management will have more autonomy while shouldering more responsibilities.

Anhui specifies that each county can autonomously select and determine and scope of local subsidized machines and tools from the items determined by the province; and decide if it shall include the machines and tools at a lower price in the subsidy scope, and the specific provisions will be determined by each county according to the actual conditions of the local agricultural production.

Supervision and control becomes more stringent, subdivided and normative

Hunan decides to carry out regular evaluation by stage of the implementation of important subsidized agricultural machinery products. For example, it has recently carried out the evaluation by stage of the implementation of subsidy for grain dryers, and has specified the subsidy item fund limit, subsidy fund limit for purchasing single product, specific subsidized object and number of applications well as the settlement time for specific subsidy fund to steadily promote the subsidy for purchasing advanced and applicable agricultural machinery products provided by provincial finance.

Inner Mongolia requires the local governments to achieve full coverage of the public information board for all agricultural subsidy information by the end of June, and all prefectures and municipalities that fail to set up the public information board for subsidies for purchasing agricultural machinery by the end of June shall not be subsidized with the subsidy fund of next year. In addition, it explicitly orders that local governments shall quantify the fund use scale of each stage to prevent fund issuance from deviating from key farming seasons and key mechanical subsidies.

In Tianjin, agricultural machinery products purchased with the invoice in 2017 are required to handle the formalities of application for subsidy fund for purchasing agricultural machinery in the current year, which will no longer be handled in the future in case of failure to be handled in the current year.

Hubei needs to strengthen supervision over the circumstances such as verification of large and medium-sized machines and tools, abnormal application on a large scale in a short time and so on.

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