


High standards of precision fertilization is the fruit production of key technologies, can ensure the most rational distribution of fertilizer in the orchard, fertilizer precise, fertilization uniform sowing depth consistent, you can save a lot of fertilizer, reducing working hours, to ensure high and stable yield fruit. Fertilization of fruit trees for the work of China's current labor-intensive, low efficiency conditions. By comparing the characteristics of the existing fruit trees, fertilizer equipment, developed a fruit trees, fertilizer machine precision. The aircraft hydraulic system driven through the rotating drill digging, using the soil collector to collect the soil thrown; the same time drive a stepper motor work, start the row of fat device, the quantity of fertilizer into the soil collector until the digging end, to change the drill bit the direction of rotation, while drill lifted, the soil collector in the soil and fertilizer mixture into the pit along the spiral drill to complete the work fertilize fruit trees


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