


Three crossflow (No.1-No.3) dryers were tested. Dyer No.1 contains two crossflow columns, each column consists of two drying sections, one turn-flow device and a cooling section, and with a grain column thickness in the upper drying section of 0.277m and 0.304m in the lower section. The dimensions of dryer No.1 are 6.517m×3.400m×13.482m. No.2 dryer is similar to No.1, but is smaller and has a lower capacity. No.3 is a cylindrical crossflow dryer with two drying sections, one turn-flow device and a cooling section.

The mixed-flow dryer (No.4) is composed of eight modular sections. Each module has dimensions of 1.8m×1.0m×0.8m. The tow bottom modules serve as cooling stage. Dryer No.5 consists of two mixed-flow drying towers in series, similar in design as dryer No.4.

Dryers No.6-No.10 are concurrent-/counter-flow dryers, consisting of two or more towers. The number in front of “-CCF” indicates the number of towers. Each tower has two counter-/concurrent-flow drying sections. The last tower, or part of the last tower, is used for cooling. The depth of the counter-/concurrent-flow beds is 0.6m, the cross-sectional area of each tower is 2.2m×2.2m. It should be noted that overseas CCF dryers do not have counter-flow drying stages, only a counter-flow cooling stage.

The steam dryer is a unique dryer widely used in grain depots in China. It consists of 3-6 indoor drying and cooling towers, and a boiler. Each tower contains in its upper section a series of steam pipes, and in its lower section a number of inlet/outlet air ducts. The grain is heated by conduction as it flow over the steam-heated pipes, and is subsequently treated with ambient or slightly-heated recycled drying-air. The steam pressure in the pipes is 2×105Pa--4×105Pa (130-140℃), the diameter of the pipes is 42-48mm, and the distance between pipes is 110-120mm. The grain retention time is long (4-6 hours for 10-point moisture removal) due to the relatively low grain temperature.

Sun drying is still the main method of grain drying in China. Almost every village or depot has a special area for the sun drying of grains. The grain is spread out in 5-10cm thin layer and is stirred occasionally. In Northeast China where the ambient temperature is very low when maize is harvested, sun drying is a very slow process.

三横(一号至三号)烘干设备进行了测试. 戴先生no.1包含两个横栏,每栏分为两部分干燥, 一转流器及冷却段, 与粮食柱厚度在上部干燥部分0.277m和0.304m在下游. 尺寸干燥器一号是6.517m×3.400m×13.482m. 二号烘干机相似一号,但规模较小,具有容量较低. 第三是横向圆筒烘干机烘干两部分,一部分是转流装置和冷却段. 混流式干燥机(四号)是由八个单元章节. 每个单元尺寸1.8×1.0×0.8米. 拖车底部模块作为冷却阶段. 干燥器no.5分为两个混流干燥塔系列,类似的设计作为烘干四号. 干衣no.6-no.10都是concurrent-/counter-flow烘干机,由两个或两个以上的弹孔. 数年前的"框架",表明了很多水塔. 每个塔有两个counter-/concurrent-flow晒路段. 最后塔,或部分上塔,是用于冷却. 有深度的counter-/concurrent-flow病床0.6m,横截面的每个塔有2.2m×2.2m. 应当指出,海外ccf干衣没有反流干燥阶段,只有一个反流冷却阶段. 蒸气烘干是一个独特的烘干机广泛用于粮库中. 它由3-6室内干燥,冷却水塔,一台锅炉. 每个塔载在其上部一系列的蒸汽管道, 而在其下游的一系列进/出水口风筒. 谷物的热传导,因为它流了蒸汽加热管, 并随后处理空气或微循环加热干燥的空气. 蒸汽压力管道2×105pa--4×105pa(130-140℃),直径较小的管材是42-48mm, 之间的距离和管道是110-120mm. 粮食停留时间很长(4-6小时,10点去湿)由于相对较低的粮食温度. 晾晒仍然是主要的方法谷物干燥中. 几乎每一个村或仓库具有特殊的地区,以供晾晒谷物. 粮食是分布在5-10cm薄层,偶尔搅拌. 在东北那里的气温很低,当玉米收割, 太阳晒是一个非常缓慢的过程

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