



As we enter the new technology era of machine learning, artificial intelligence and agriculture are becoming closely intertwined. It brings exciting infinite possibilities: from seed germination, to maintaining the integrity of the crop, to the actual harvesting process. Scientists estimate that the global population will grow to more than 9.7 billion people by 2050, when many hungry people will need to be fed. Compared to the massive population growth, the arable land area will only increase by 4 percent. Therefore, the solution is not to expand farmland to grow crops and raise livestock, but to moreeffectively use the existing land. Looking back, we see the start of the "Green Revolution" about 70 years ago, which brought improvements to irrigation systems, methods of mechanized farmland, and new types of man-made fertilizers. The combination of these factors has increased food production, and about a billion people worldwide have been saved from hunger. This rapid development has brought many benefits, such as higher yields, but there are also many negative factors: the heavy use of pesticides,fertilizers and other hormones, destroying biodiversity, and some indispensable biological extinction. At the same time, those farming methods put together inject large amounts of toxins into the earth's streams and rivers, as well as draining the soil's natural fertility.

可持续农业和粮食问题专家Danielle Nierenberg说:“这些方法从来没打算长期使用。”如果我们要继续保持粮食生产的稳定和充足,就必须进行变革。目前,全球20%的人口受雇于农业综合企业,这是一个价值3万亿美元的产业。但是我们如何进行这个变换呢?答案可以在人工智能和农业的融合发展中找到。新型的机器学习技术在农业各个解决方案中是如何推动生产的?人工智的大量应用,改善了发展中国家和已经领先的西方国家的农业状况:

food production, we must change. Currently, 20% of the world's population is employed in an agribusiness, a $3 trillion industry. But how do we make this transformation? The answer can be found in the integrated development of artificial intelligence and agriculture. How do new machine-learning technologies drive production across agricultural solutions? The extensive application of artificial intelligence has improved the agricultural situation in developing countries and already leading Western countries:



1、Artificial intelligence for species selection

If we want to have the best crops, then it all depends on the genes of the seeds we grow. Monsanto Company is now using AI to scan the DNA sequences of seeds with the most desirable features. Farmers will no longer need to devote time and effort to cross-variation experiments on seeds, as there are now computer programs available to perform this analysis for them. The seeds themselves have a germination rate, or "seed dormancy," which means that they only germinate and start to grow under certain conditions. Researchers can use AI to find out the best conditions for seed germination, such as






在美国,Trace Genomics也在追随他们的脚步,采用基于人工智能的技术来研究土壤弱点和作物缺陷。

2、Soil management through artificial intelligence feedback

Soil nutrition also plays a role when growing crops around the world. Deep learning is being brought here to the forefront of special algorithms that can help monitor the health of the soil before planting and during growth.

Soil degradation and erosion are also important factors affecting crop growth, but both problems can be solved with artificial intelligence, as PEAT did in Germany. They developed a Plantix that analyzes soil defects. Combined with the visual perception of drones, they can detect the growing areas of crops that may grow in defective soil or suffer fromdisease and pests in the areas.

It is run by imaging the leaves and then through a software that distinguishes between normal and unhealthy growth patterns. More importantly, the software presents farmers with solutions to the problem.

CropDiagnosis is another similar application that can scan entire fields with drones and assess irrigation and nitrogen levels in soil. In the US, Trace Genomics is also following in their footsteps, using AI-based technologies to study soil weaknesses and crop defects.





3. Artificial intelligence manages irrigation and water use

For plants to grow normally, they need a constant supply of water. Growing crops is particularly difficult in areas of the world where rainwater and fresh water are scarce or unreliable. Just as your garden sprinkler can set a timer, modern AI irrigation approaches go further than that.

They can track the water content in the soil in real time through machine learning technology in agricultural environments, thus knowing exactly when to provide water to the crops and how to rationally save water consumption. This means that farmers have more time to do other important work without having to bother to irrigate the crops themselves.

It is estimated that about 70% of the planet's freshwater supply is used for agricultural production, so more efficient management of the freshwater supply will have a knock-on effect on how this valuable resource is utilized.







4. Image-based nutrient and fertilizer use solutions

The soil itself does not always provide the best nutrition for the crops, and farmers must regularly rotate them. In the past, fertilizers were the main fertilizers for plants, but agricultural modernization has brought a host of new and innovative fertilization schemes. Farmers spend a lot of time in the fields providing the necessary nutrients for their crops in the form of nitrogen fertilizer, yet AI has now become a major player in the field. Modern AI solutions can not only detect how much fertilizer is needed to reduce waste, but also have the hardware available to assist the shipping process. One of the solutions is theRowbot. It is an image-based machine that collects plant data during crop growth and provides fertilizer only to the crops that need fertilizer most, thereby increasing the yields of crops that originally have lower harvests. Developed by Bosch, Plantect is another intelligent AI suite that can help farms move from determining the right sunlight and humidity levels to seamlessly monitoring everything, and working in concert with the Internet of Things.








5. Artificial intelligence can predict weather conditions

From wet England to sun-setting California to arid Somalia, weather conditions have greatly affected crops. A season of no rain means that thousands of people will starve within a few months. However, AI can now use —— in combination with special algorithms related to machine learning plus satellite information —— to ensure that crops don't fail regardless of the weather. A US company called aWhere is using this artificial intelligence technology to predict weather patterns and allow farmers to take the right steps ahead of time. It measures everything: fromsolar radiation to precipitation, temperature speculation, and wind speed to provide accurate data on potential crop growth and yield. For example, if you know that there will be a lot of rain after two days, no expensive irrigation water is needed. Or, if you know that the next few days will bring high heat, then you can make sure that the crops are watered early in the morning in preparation for a temperature rise and reduce soil evaporation. Both can be programmed into AI machine solutions, and when software and hardware are combined, agricultural technology cantake action for farmers ahead.




跨国农业企业John Deere现在收购了Blue River Technology,作为其人工智能武器库的一部分。他们共同开发了一种“看和喷”的方法,利用人工智能机器学习和计算机视觉相结合,找出影响作物生长的杂草,然后将它们清除。

该公司发言人John May表示:“机器学习是Deere未来的一项重要能力,并且它认识到技术对我们客户的重要性。”


6. Innovative machine vision to identify crop problems

Once crops are grown, it is necessary to protect their growth from disease and insect pests. In this regard, AI can also help. Not only can you grow crops in a greenhouse where AI controls machines and conditions, but outdoor crops can also benefit from technology inputs. Multinational agribusiness John Deere has now acquired Blue River Technology as part of its AI arsenal. Together, they developed a "see and spray" method, using a combination of artificial intelligence machine learning and computer vision to identify weeds that affect crops andthen remove them. Company spokesman John May said: " Machine learning is an important capability of Deere in the future, and it recognizes the importance of technology to our customers.” The see and spray approach means that they can now target specific weeds and increase crop yields, rather than spraying whole crops at a high cost, along with their health effects.






7. Using artificial intelligence technology to monitor weeds and pests

AI sensors are also being developed to use image-sensing techniques to detect disease characteristics in plant leaves. This is related to color imaging via an AI machine. AI machines are able to distinguish healthy from diseased leaves and then remove them by integrating with the robot. Microsoft developers, who have collaborated to develop a pest prediction interface that identifies insects that damage crops. In a short time this will include diagnosis and elimination of pests by actual remote machine vision. The technology could reduce the use of chemicals by up to80%, and reduce the money spent on herbicides by 90%. Weed control is very important for farmers because about 250 varieties are currently resistant to modern herbicides, and weeds growing on soybean and corn crops alone cost more than $40 billion a year.






8. Predict the right harvest time

For centuries, farmers have considered the weather conditions and the overall state of their crops to determine the best harvest time With imaging feeds back to remote learning software, AI now brings a new element to determine whether crops can be picked. The technique can analyze the maturity of fruit with white and UVA lamps, meaning that farmers can choose to pick only the most mature fruits or vegetables while leaving the other immature fruits for a period of time. This can be done on a small scale in a greenhouse or on a larger scale, using helicopters anddrones to build a holistic map of field management.






有两个机器收割的例子来自Harvest CROO Robotics,它创造了采摘成熟草莓的硬件,以及拥有可以收割苹果园的机器的丰富技术。这种类型的人工智能将感知和动作结合在一起,因此自主机器可以看到需要收获什么,然后继续执行收获的动作。

9. Mechanical harvesting methods

Now let's see how the food is chosen. The growing reluctance of farm workers to do repetitive, seasonal work of fruit and vegetables is expected to fall to 6% between 2014 and 2024. We face the fact that because of a shortage of workers, ripe fruit is often not picked, which means a loss of profits. Depending on the nature of the agribusiness, about 40% of the profits of a farm go to manual labor and wages. AI can dramatically reduce that number, because once they buy machines, they pay for themselves over time. There are two examples of machine harvesting from Harvest CROO Robotics, which createsthe hardware for picking ripe strawberries, and the rich technology of having machines that can harvest apple orchards. This type of AI combines perception and action, so that the autonomous machine can see what needs to be harvested, and then continue to perform the harvested action.





10. Farm machines accept artificial intelligence upgrade

Modern agriculture often uses a wide variety of machines to maintain production efficiency. From tractors and harvesters to quad bicycles and cargo trucks, machines are an important part of agriculture, but machine failure and continuous maintenance is a serious but often overlooked problem affecting profits. Ordinary road vehicles like cars are now being manufactured with an unusual set of electronics that can provide a variety of feedback, from tire pressure to oil levels. Future agricultural machinery will also use the same advanced monitoring system. Instead of waiting for the tractor to break down in the field, just warn the farmers of any problems. Combined with the Internet of Things, these items can be alerted and repaired even before problems arise.





11. The rise of AI drones

Looking ahead, UAVs have been used in many ways, and all is needed to adapt existing UAVs to agricultural production is the integration of hardware and software, which provides additional uses for these vehicles. Smart cameras like those used by VineView can provide farmers with feedback and information —— from crop growth block and water shortage to soil conditions and pest monitoring. Future farmers will no longer need to walk miles through their crops and farmland to assess its condition —— but will use drones to fly to the areas of interest in minutes. By 2027, the market share of agricultural drones is expected to approach $500 million. Driverless tractors will also become a reality, being programmed to drive at a certain speed while performing specific tasks in an effective way。





近年来,农业数据联盟(Agricultural Data Coalition)已成立,旨在帮助农民掌握信息和数据处理技术,以便从研究人员到农场主、农作物买家和保险公司等所有人都能共同努力,提高产量,从而提高所有人的利润。






12. Cloud-sharing information from databases can help farmers

Because the "Alexa" -type systems provide solutions to all the farmers 'problems, AI can be the farmer's best friend. Establish a knowledge database of agriculture and ask them about everything from animal disease to soil quality. Such a foundation can learn the correct solutions and answer questions, which can then be effectively shared with others in the business. When agriculture is largely automated, data sharing will undoubtedly be important. Training systems require data, especially data for AI algorithms, which is very valuable. In recent years, the Agricultural Data Alliance (Agricultural Data Coalition)has been established to help farmers master information and data processing technology so that everyone from researchers to farmers, crop buyers and insurance companies can work together to increase production and thus increase profits for all. Thanks to AI technology, overall production has increased, and the ultimate goal of applying AI to agriculture is to increase crop production per square foot.

potential. Agricultural sensors can see the shape, recognize voice commands and manipulate the visual perception ability to collect the required data. The information management system controls the collected data and allows AI software to make decisions through predictive analysis based on deep learning techniques and machine learning. The data can be used for hardware made specifically for agribusinesses, such as autonomous drones and self-driving vehicles. Make full use of the collected data to provide the best service for farmers. For AI solutions in agriculture to take off in thisarea, it requires integrating multiple advantages of AI in agricultural practice.

13、“农业 4.0 ”指即将来临的智能农业

我国农业科学家瞄准“农业4.0”,起步晚,但进神速,是一种“弯道超车”模式。互联网时代农业通过网络、信息等进行资源软整合, 在大数据、云计算、互联网、传感器的基础之上形成智能农业。 “农业 4.0 ”是利用农业标准化体系的系统方法对农业生产进行统一管理,所有过程均是可控、高效的。 农业服务者与农业生产者之间的信息通道通过农业标准化平台实现对等连接, 使整个过程中的互动性更强。

13. Agriculture 4.0, which refers to the upcoming smart agriculture

Chinese agricultural scientists aim at "agriculture 4.0", started late, but into the speed, is a "curve overtaking" mode. In the Internet era, agriculture soft integrates resources through network and information, forming intelligent agriculture on the basis of big data, cloud computing, Internet and sensors."Agriculture 4.0" is the system method of agricultural standardization system to conduct unified management of agricultural production, and all the processes are controllable and efficient. The information channel between agricultural service providers and agricultural producers is peer-to-peer connectedthrough the agricultural standardization platform, making the interaction in the whole process stronger.


伴随着我国工业化和城市化发展, 农业人口出现下降是一个必然的趋势。对于其他产业而言,从事农业劳动的收益相对较少,年轻人普遍不愿意继承,导致农业生产呈现出“ 后继无人”的窘境。

14. The social need of developing smart agriculture

With the development of China's industrialization and urbanization, the decline of agricultural population is an inevitable trend. For other industries, the benefits of agricultural labor are relatively small, and young people are generally unwilling to inherit it, leading to the dilemma of "no successor" in agricultural production. Without changing the traditional image of agricultural production, it will be difficult to attract younger workers to the agricultural sector. To improve agricultural competitiveness, it is necessary to follow the trend of modern science andtechnology development, introduce advanced technologies such as big data, robots and artificial intelligence into the agricultural production process, transform the traditional form of agricultural development, and realize the transformation from experienced farming to intelligent farming. We will promote the development of smart agriculture and promote the development of agriculture toward information application and intelligence.

agricultural work (farmers apply information technology to solve the planting, control, quality safety and cost reduction), improve the agricultural attractive for young people and female workers, solve the problem of agricultural labor shortage, and greatly improve the agricultural production capacity and efficiency, help to promote around produce high value-added and high quality agricultural products, obtained a good economic and ecological benefits, enhance the charm of agriculture and international competitiveness.

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