个头饱满 酸甜多汁 金山地产东魁杨梅上市(中-英农机双语课堂| 对可持续农业有特殊影响的三个领域)

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1、个头饱满 酸甜多汁 金山地产东魁杨梅上市

2、中-英农机双语课堂| 对可持续农业有特殊影响的三个领域



个头饱满 酸甜多汁 金山地产东魁杨梅上市

个头饱满 酸甜多汁 金山地产东魁杨梅上市









中-英农机双语课堂| 对可持续农业有特殊影响的三个领域

中-英农机双语课堂| 对可持续农业有特殊影响的三个领域

客户信心consumer confidence,土壤压实soil compaction,履带拖拉机Tracked tractor,NIR (NEAR infra-red)近红外,氮nitrogen,磷phosphorus,钾potassium。以上单词对您阅读下文可能有帮助。 




Soil protection – protecting the soil with modern design concepts;


Fertilisation – using digital nutrient measurement to upgrade manure and slurry as a valuable organic fertiliser;


Crop protection – reducing the use of agrochemicals by more precise applications. 


Increased soil protection


Soil protection is mainly about using larger machinery footprints, which helps to avoid damaging soil compaction. This ensures greater soil fertility while increasing porosity and the soil’s capacity to store more nutrients and water.


In recent years, tractors have undoubtedly become heavier. Nevertheless, soil compaction has steadily decreased due to the use of larger tyres and the ability to work with low inflation pressures. For example, a modern 22-tonne tractor only puts a pressure of 0.6kg/cm2 on the ground, while a 3-tonne 75hp tractor built in the 1970s applies much more weight, at 1.5kg/cm2.

近年来,拖拉机无疑变得更重了。然而,由于使用了更大的轮胎以及能够在低充气压力下工作,土壤压实度稳步下降。例如,一台22吨的现代拖拉机只对地面造成0.6 kg/cm2(Mpa)的压力,一台建于20世纪70年代的3吨75马力拖拉机的重量要大得多,达到1.5 kg/cm2(Mpa).

Tracked tractors are even gentler on the soil. A larger footprint also means less track depth, which reduces compaction in the deeper soil layers and reduces roll resistance.


Less roll resistance means lower fuel consumption and therefore fewer CO2 emissions. Tests have shown that fuel consumption can be reduced in this way by 10 per cent, so this innovative driving concept can make an active contribution to climate protection.


Fertilising more accurately with manure


Fertilising farmland with manure is often the subject of critical public debate. There’s no doubt that slurry is a valuable organic fertiliser that needs to be used correctly. However, this only works if the farmer is able to determine the nutrient demand of the crop as well as the nutrient content of the manure.


Today, both can be measured accurately by taking soil and plant samples. The results allow farmers to create application maps, which make site-specific fertiliser applications possible.


With the John Deere HarvestLab sensor, the precise nutrient content of the manure can be accurately measured. The sensor’s NIR technology identifies the exact amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, even when the values vary. Controlled in real time by these active measurements and the application map recommendations, the tractor and slurry tanker are able to adjust the application rate automatically. This ensures the exact amount of organic fertiliser is applied according to the specific needs of the crop.


Over- and under-fertilisation is prevented, which avoids both air and water pollution, and the use of mineral fertilisers can be significantly reduced. Ultimately the environment will also benefit, since the production of fertilisers uses a lot of energy and generates a lot of CO2.


Targeted crop protection


Overlaps and overdoses of agrochemicals should also be avoided. Technologically, these problems can be solved by accurate GPS-controlled driving solutions. At the same time, there is a growing trend towards the use of site-specific or even individual plant treatments instead of uniformly spraying complete fields.


Site-specific applications divide fields into zones that can be treated differently. Drones or satellite images, for example, can measure crop density and related disease pressure, so the necessary fungicides can be applied. Again based on application maps, sections of the field are only treated where necessary. This approach can provide massive cost savings, depending on crop and field variations.


High-speed cameras and artificial intelligence help to capture crop populations, and can identify weeds and apply a herbicide at specific locations across the field. The advanced step is distinguish between weeds and the growing crop. Again, only the individual weeds are treated, while the crop is not affected.


Mechanical weed control also benefits from the use of high-speed camera technology. For organic farms in particular, this technology offers a real efficiency advantage. Even conventional farms can benefit by combining chemical and mechanical measures, and therefore significantly reduce the cost and environmental burden of herbicide use.





Brigade Electronics公司针对这种环境的主动安全提供了一个新的思路,那就是利用RFID技术。


Brigade Electronics has added ZoneSafe, a radio frequency identification (RFID) proximity warning system, to their range of vehicle safety systems. ZoneSafe uses RFID technology to create detection zones around vehicles, reducing the risk of injury or damage from collisions andnear-miss occurrences with people and property.Brigade Electronics公司在其车辆安全系统产品系列中增加了ZoneSafe,一种射频识别(RFID)接近报警系统。ZoneSafe使用RFID技术在车辆周围创建监测区域,降低因碰撞和未遂事故造成的人员伤害和财产损失。

Designed for use in challenging environments, ZoneSafe uses vehicle-mounted antennas that communicate with detection tags that can be worn by workers, set up in restricted areas, or placed on objects orproperty.


When a tag enters a detection zone, the vehicle operator will automatically receive a visual and audible alert via anin-cab control unit, which will allow them to take the necessary action. Tags worn by workers on foot will also vibrate to warn of an approaching vehicle.


Owing to the RFID technology, which does not require line of sight, tags will be detected regardless of obstructions, blind spots, adverse weather conditions or poor visibility. Each tag can be uniquely identified and linked to individual people.


“Approximately 70% of incidents on sites happen during initial machine start-up and low-speed movement because of poor visibility,” said Emily Hardy of Brigade Electronics. “This makes ZoneSafe ideal for vehicles that frequently operate in close proximity to workers andother machines, particularly in difficult conditions. The system provides fast,reliable and accurate data exchange without any limitation on the number of tags or antennas in operation.”

“现场大约70%的事故发生在机器启动阶段和低速移动期间,因为能见度低,” Brigade Electronics公司的Emily Hardy说。这使得ZoneSafe成为经常在工人和其他机器附近运行的车辆的理想选择,特别是在恶劣条件下。该系统可提供快速、可靠和准确的数据交换,而不受运行中标签或天线数量的限制。”





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