American scientists: The \\\"five major directions\\\" of the future of agriculture(英中双语)(ATI公司的三角履带

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1、American scientists: The \\\"five major directions\\\" of the future of agriculture(英中双语)


American scientists: The \\\"five major directions\\\" of the future of agriculture(英中双语)

American scientists: The \\\"five major directions\\\" of the future of agriculture(英中双语)

The National Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Engineering and the School of Medicine jointly released the topic:

Science Breakthroughs to Advance Food and Agricultural Research by 2030 The research report describes five urgent research directions in the agricultural field in the eyes of American scientists:


Science Breakthroughs to Advance Food and Agricultural Research by 2030的研究报告,描述了美国科学家眼中农业领域亟待突破的五大研究方向:

1. The whole thinking and the system cognitive analysis technology is the first premise to realize the breakthrough of agricultural science and technology


The agricultural system is a complex giant system, and it is difficult to rely on the "point" of technological breakthroughs to achieve the overall improvement. The report recommends using interdisciplinary research and systems approaches as preferences for addressing major critical issues. System cognition is to explore the way to solve the problem from the element composition, interaction mechanism and coupling action of the system."Mountains, rivers, forests, farmland, lakes and grasses are a community of life". The scientific breakthrough in the field ofagriculture must break through the single-element thinking, and think from the overall dimensions of resource utilization, operational efficiency, system flexibility and sustainability. China's agricultural ecological efficiency is not high, competitiveness is not strong, and ecological unsustainable problems are mainly in the use of land resources. Therefore, the scientific and technological breakthroughs in the agricultural field need to start from the management, restoration and promotion of land resources.


2. The new generation of sensor technology will become the underlying driving technology to promote progress in the agricultural field


Quantity defines the world, and accurately determines the future. The United States takes the development and application of high-precision, accurate and field-deployed sensors and biosensors as the key to future technological breakthroughs. At present, sensor technology has been widely used in the agricultural field, but it mainly focuses on the measurement of a single feature such as temperature. If we want to understand the operation mechanism of the whole system at the same time, the key is to continuously monitor the linkage ability of multiple features.


generation of sensor technology includes not only include the physical environment, biological traits monitoring and integration, including using material science and microelectronics, nano technology to create new nano and biological sensors, such as water molecules, pathogens, microorganisms across the soil, animals and plants, environment cycle movement process monitoring. The rapid detection, continuous monitoring and real-time feedback capabilities of the new generation of sensors will provide a data basis for the system cognition, and give human beings the abilityto "prevent and cure no diseases", that is, they can find and solve problems before diseases appear. If the possible risk problems can be accurately found and quantitatively identified in the utilization link of resource elements, and can be optimized and adjusted in real time, it will completely change the way of agricultural production and utilization in China. Therefore, the new generation of sensor technology will be the key technology that China must master.


3. Data science and information technology are the strategic key technologies in the agricultural field


Advances in data science and analytical tools provide important breakthrough opportunities for improving research and knowledge application in agriculture. Despite the collection of food, agriculture, resources, and other data, effective tools to use extensive and existing data, knowledge and models, the report said. The development of big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain and other technologies provides the ability and advanced analysis methods to collect, analyze, store, share, and integrate heterogeneous data more quickly. In other words, data science and informationtechnology can greatly improve the ability to solve complex problems, apply a large number of research results in agriculture, resources and other related fields to production practice, automatically integrate data and conduct real-time modeling under dynamic changes, and promote the formation of data-driven intelligent control.


4. Breakthrough genomics and precision breeding techniques should be encouraged and adopted


With the advent of gene editing techniques, targeted genetic improvement can improve plants and animals in ways that are be possible by traditional methods. By incorporating genomic information, advanced breeding techniques and precision breeding methods into conventional breeding and selection programs, biological traits with important effects on agricultural productivity and agricultural quality can be improved precisely and rapidly. This ability opens the door to technologies such as developing new crops and soil microorganisms, developing resistant plants


5. Microbiome technology is essential to cognition and understanding of agricultural system operation


Through a large number of studies reported in recent years, we know the importance of human microbes to physical health, but we do not understand the microbiome of soil, plants and animals and their effects in agriculture. With the use of more and more complex tools to detect the agricultural microbiome, the United States is expected to achieve breakthrough in the next decade, establish its agricultural microbial database, better understand the molecular level interaction between soil, plant and animal microbiome, and by improving soil structure, improve theefficiency of feed and nutrient utilization and improve the resistance to the environment and disease to enhance agricultural productivity and flexibility, and even change agriculture. Among them, characterization of interactions between soil and plant microbiome is crucial. The soil microbiome is closely linked to the cycle of carbon, nitrogen and many other elements in climate change, and affects key global ecosystem service functions through some processes that have not yet been recognized by humans. Increasing the understanding of theessential microbial components and reinforcing their role in the nutrient cycle is essential to ensure a sustainable global agricultural production.


daa science, gene editing, and microbiome. This is also the key core technology that our country's agricultural field must work hard and indispensable future. At the same time, based on China's national conditions of poor thin and quality resources, Chinese scientists also need to make breakthroughs in several important fields that subvert the present, lead the future, and create The Times, in the landscape, forests, farmland, lakes and grass life community, and the modern engineering technology problems of land resources security and control.


core technologies, such as big data of cultivated land quality, health diagnosis technology, ecological farmland construction technology, soil biodiversity protection and cultivated land conservation technology, evolution simulation technology of cultivated land system; restoration and treatment of some key areas, such as overall protection of black land, restoration of Yellow River basin system, comprehensive management of saline-alkali sandy land; in the major needs of national development, such as global change and low-carbon tillage system, and intelligent monitoring of cultivated land resources.


innovation map. It is necessary to plan a roadmap for future technological development, clarify the main direction of innovation, and determine that cultivated land resources are an indispensable link. Agricultural innovation is the focus of improving competitiveness. If China's agriculture needs to be able to support the demand of 1.4 billion Chinese people for agriculture, it still needs to have the advantage in innovation. American scientists' the "five directions" of agriculture may inspire us. Just this, then I mean.






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