GVM公司庆祝其45周年并推出新的T系列Prowler喷药机(Have you ever heard of unmanned farms? 【1】)

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  农机大全网(nongjidaquan.com)今天给各位分享GVM公司庆祝其45周年并推出新的T系列Prowler喷药机的知识,其中也会对Have you ever heard of unmanned farms? 【1】进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!



2、Have you ever heard of unmanned farms? 【1】

3、Have you ever heard of unmanned farms?【2】



GVM 公司庆祝其服务农业行业 45 年,并推出了最新更新的 2022 T 系列 Prowler 。 2022 Prowler 的设计从一开始就充分考虑到客户需求。

从 2022 年开始,所有 Prowlers 都将配备带电子控制的 Dana HVT R2 变速箱,为 T 系列 Prowler 带来更高的燃油效率、可控性和可靠性能。可编程发动机转速和地速按钮,使操作员能够预设喷洒的速度,只需按下按钮即可激活,从而提高应用的一致性。

符合人体工程学的操纵杆控制使操作员可以轻松改变速度,同时仍保持全速旋转,以在转弯开始和结束时保持一致的撒播模式。 4x4 液压-机械无级变速传动装置结合了全机械传动装置和全静液压传动装置的优点。

在低速时,您可以获得静液压传动的优势,而在高速时,您可以获得全机械传动的效率。新的康明斯 Stage V 发动机选项和 Dana HVT R2 变速箱的动力非常出色。

客户对 2022 T 系列 Prowlers 的改进反应积极,表达了他们的喜悦。 T 系列 Prowler 计划与其他产品正面交锋,增加了灵活性。

GVM 将在多个地区展会、中西部农业博览会、俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州野外日展演新的 Prowlers 。

GVM 将于 2021 年 9 月下旬开始生产 T 系列 Prowler 。

Have you ever heard of unmanned farms? 【1】

Have you ever heard of unmanned farms? 【1】


With the achievement of China's initial industrialization goal, the urbanization level is as high as 65.6%, and more people enter the industry and commerce for development. As a result, the agricultural labor cost was increased by 10 times, and the traditional agricultural business forms were faced with unprecedented challenges. A large number of precious land was abandoned, making small-scale production unsustainable. In order to secure the Chinese jobs, China has explored the family farm model and found a preliminary answer: moderatescale operation (family farm) + unmanned farm. The former author has discussed, this paper focuses on unmanned farm, and focus about this topic.


1. Unmanned farm is the symbol of modern agriculture and the development direction of smart agriculture in the future. It provides an effective way for China's agricultural transformation and upgrading and enhance the competitiveness of the international market. No farm with full coverage of farming tube production link, hangar field transfer operation automatic, automatic obstacle avoidance different condition parking safety, crop production process real-time monitoring, intelligent decision-making accurate operation all unmanned five characteristics, can liberate the workers from heavydriving operation, greatly improve the operation efficiency, its development advantages in:


1.1 High production efficiency and high quality Through the replacement of machines, the traditional labor force has changed into a highly intelligent robot, and the unmanned farm management system has abandoned the traditional agricultural pure empirical farming mode, completely changing the elements of agricultural labor force. In particular, agricultural robots have the congenital advantages of tireless, rapid response and accurate operation, and support the characteristics of standardized production. Suitable for high-intensity agricultural production withindustrial characteristics.

requirement makes way for the robot. Robots are the main body of unmanned farm work. People are no longer engaged in agriculture, or directly engaged in agricultural production and management time is greatly shortened, which only needs to find and correct the existing problems, and the work intensity is greatly reduced. On the other hand, agricultural robots have high efficiency and high quality, and can also effectively avoid the harm of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals to the human body.

1.2. High crop risk resistance, high agricultural risk and low profit industry characteristics are more prominent. Unmanned farms can use information technology to better regulate the growth environment of crops, so that they can better meet the growth needs of crops, so as to improve the yield and quality of crops, which is conducive to achieving high and stable yield of crops, and the improvement of risk resistance ability is conducive to better attract social capital. This high-tech intelligent farming model has changed the traditional farming method of local farmers onlyrelying on their personal experience and farming, and can accurately formulate production plans and prevent natural disasters and disease and insect disasters.

1.3 The automatic machinery of "intelligent farming" instead of "intelligent farming" unmanned farm will promote the development of high-resolution precision agriculture, different farmland, and perhaps even a certain crop can be treated differently, while the optimization of farmland cultivation input and may greatly reduce the cost. For example, diseases and diseases can be diagnosed quickly. Through Internet of Things technology, food traceability and food safety can be improved.

The construction of unmanned farm is an important way to alleviate the shortage of rural labor force and promote the construction of modern agriculture. In recent years, the state has issued a number of agriculture-related policies and plans to support the technology research and development, promotion and application of unmanned farms, comprehensively improve the application level of unmanned digital technology in agricultural production, and constantly accelerate agricultural modernization. In October 2020, the 19th session of the central committee of the fifthplenary meeting of the central committee of the communist party of China about the national economic and social development and 235 years vision proposal ", put forward" through agricultural big data and artificial intelligence technology, innovation and development of agricultural intelligent equipment, improve agricultural personnel using information and knowledge and management decision-making ability, core solveneck and short technology, rural labor shortage, high cost of labor, to ensure agricultural safety autonomous control."In February 2021, the CPC Central Committee and The State Council issued the Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Accelerating Agricultural and Rural Modernization, which proposed to" establish a big data system for agricultureand rural areas and promote the deep integration of new-generation information technology with agricultural production and operation."In March 2021, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the Notice on the Application for the 2021 National Agricultural and Rural Informatization Demonstration Base, pointing out that" focus on supporting the development of demonstration bases, encourage demonstration bases to take the lead in undertaking the pilot demonstration tasks ofagricultural and rural reform, and lay a foundation for accelerating agricultural modernization.”


the practical application of unmanned farm, aimed at the main direction of agricultural rural modernization, improve labor productivity, resource utilization and unit land productivity, in order to realize the complete liberation of agricultural labor force. Unmanned farm represents the most advanced agricultural productivity, is the future development direction of agriculture, and will certainly lead the development of modern agricultural methods such as digital agriculture, precision agriculture and intelligent agriculture.



2. Development status of unmanned farms in China In recent years, with the strong support of the government, unmanned farms in China have developed rapidly. Unmanned agricultural machinery application gradually rise, as of July 2018,21 provinces and cities across the country has carried out eight kinds of major agricultural data pilot, around the facilities of intelligent greenhouse, unmanned management demand, independently developed a batch of facilities agricultural crop environmental information sensor, circuit intelligent controller, watersaving irrigation controller, cucumber in integration technology products, to improve our country greenhouse intelligent, unmanned management has played an important role.-


strong and perfect equipment and scientific and technological support for the development of unmanned farms. In 2021, China has laid out 17 unmanned farm experiments and research topics in time, and obtained a large number of replicable test data. With the development of digital agriculture pilot construction projects, China's agriculture has gradually formed the digital production management mode of tillage, planting, management and harvesting, and the application of automatic driving equipment and unmanned agricultural machinery has achievedremarkable results.


high-speed unmanned rice transplanter has realized the functions of turning in place and automatic improvement of rice plate, and has been put into the production practice of rice transplanting in many places. In some areas, the cotton planting all uses satellite navigation automatic driving technology, which can be done accurately at night or in the weather with poor visibility. During the whole operation season, each machine sows 1000 mu more than that of manual driving. Compared with the plots sowing 10 lines by manual driving, 11 lines can be sown by automatic driving, the landutilization rate can be increased by 0.5% -2.5%, and cotton precision fertilization can save fertilizer by 15% and increase the yield per unit area by about 5%.

hard work, China's unmanned agricultural equipment has entered the "high harvest period", laying a solid foundation. However, compared with developed countries, due to the late start, most of the equipment technology is still in the exploratory stage, and there are still many deficiencies in technology maturity and economy, so it still needs to go through a long evolution process to achieve complete unmanned agriculture. At present, there are three weak board technologies that restrict the development of unmanned farms in China:




backward, the number of independent research and development of agricultural sensors is less than 10% of the world, and the stability is poor;

 Second, the accuracy of animal and plant model and intelligent decision is low, in many cases are timing control rather than on-demand decision control;

Third, the lack of intelligent and accurate operation equipment, poor operation quality. In terms of application and promotion, most of the projects stay in the simple transmission and display of information, the display components are greater than the actual effect,the depth of integration with agriculture is not enough, and the effect of solving practical problems in agriculture is lacking.



3. Development model and prospect of unmanned farms in China

After recent years of experimental research, five types of unmanned farms have been formed in China. With the accelerated popularization of highly integrated and intelligent agricultural equipment, The application cost of some technology products is gradually falling, Enabling the application of unmanned agricultural techniques in agricultural production, The future of the farm "machine replacement" will be inevitable, The application field will also gradually expand, Such as unmanned fields, unmanned orchards, unmanned greenhouses,unmanned pastures, unmanned fishing grounds and other fields, A series of agricultural activities such as field monitoring, pesticide spraying, fertilization and harvesting can achieve accurate and efficient operation in an unmanned environment, So as to solve the related problems of poor working environment, high labor intensity, high precision requirements and difficult safety risk prevention in paddy field plant protection,seedling grafting, and treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry. Five modes of unmanned farms:



3.1. No one is left out in the fields

Unmanned field is the earliest type of unmanned farm. At present, China's agricultural machinery automatic navigation driving system has begun to be promoted and applied in field planting. With the maturity of application technology and the improvement of decision model accuracy, the development and upgrading trend of field planting in equipment quality, equipment type and intelligence level will be accelerated in the next few years.



3.2. Unmanned orchard

Unmanned orchard embarked on the way of combining introduction and innovation improvement, through the introduction and innovation of advanced technologies such as network room protective cultivation, European virus-free seedlings, short anvil wide line dense planting cultivation, full mechanization management, agricultural Internet of things and so on, realizing the integrated application and demonstration of orchard standardized production technology. In the future, unmanned orchards need further technology integration and innovation,develop ground sensors, high-resolution aerospace and aerial image perception, real-time transmission of data collection, so as to achieve timely and comprehensive understanding of orchard production status; conduct digital research of fruit production, storage and transportation, and sales, formulate digital standards of each link, realize the digital presentation of the whole chain of fruit industry; realize the new intelligent agricultural operation mode of cloud edge-end integration through cloud service, edge computingequipment and intelligent operation front-end equipment.



3.3、Unmanned greenhouse

Unmanned greenhouse is a collection of digital and intelligent unmanned greenhouse planting, is the product of unmanned farm technology in facility agriculture. At present, China's plant factory research and development and product level characterized by soilless cultivation, three-dimensional planting and automatic management are relatively advanced, with complete sets of technical equipment with independent intellectual property rights, but the mechanization rate of facility agriculture in China is less than 50%. Therefore, during the 14th Five-year Planperiod, China's unmanned greenhouse needs to further improve the automation, intelligence and mechanization level of facility cultivation and production technology, and develop the facility agricultural robot with independent intellectual property rights from the key aspects of environmental regulation automation, unmanned production process and intelligent hierarchical packaging.

3.4、Unmanned pasture

Unmanned pasture refers to the unmanned and fine breeding mode of livestock and poultry breeding, breeding, feeding and disease prevention, as well as the whole process of postpartum transportation and treatment. The unmanned and fine farming reduces the mortality rate of livestock and poultry, improves the quality of livestock and poultry, and realizes the purpose of machine generation in livestock and poultry farms. No ranch is the development trend of the future pasture, the future will promote livestock and poultry housing ventilation temperaturecontrol, air filtration, environmental perception equipment intelligent transformation, integrated application of electronic identification, accurate feeding, livestock and poultry waste treatment, such as digital equipment, accurate monitoring of livestock and poultry breeding inputs and production quantity, livestock and poultry breeding environment intelligent monitoring and accurate feeding.

3.5. Unmanned fishing ground

Unmanned fishing ground is a process of using modern information technology to deeply develop and utilize fishery information resources, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive productivity and operation and management efficiency. It is an important means and effective way to promote the structural reform of the supply side of fishery and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of fishery. Its future development focus will be through the construction of aquaculture production and management system based on the Internet of Things, to promote the popularization andapplication of digital technology and equipment such as real-time monitoring of water environment, accurate feeding, disease monitoring and early warning, circulating water equipment control, automatic cage lifting control, and uav cruise.

Have you ever heard of unmanned farms?【2】

Have you ever heard of unmanned farms?【2】



2. The development countermeasures of unmanned farms in China

After years of policy layout and project implementation, China's unmanned farms have shown a good momentum of development. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, in order to further promote the development of unmanned farms, it is necessary to constantly improve the basic theory of unmanned farms, strengthen the research and development of key technologies and practical products, actively explore the business model of the development of unmanned farms, and further optimize and improve the policy environment of unmannedfarms.



4.1、Strengthen the research and development of basic theories, key technologies and practical products of unmanned farms

Unmanned farm is a new thing, and there are many problems in the basic theory of unmanned farm worth further exploration. At present, it is urgent to strengthen the research and development of bottleneck technologies such as agricultural sensors, animal and plant phenotype and growth optimization regulation model, independent operation robot; take the lead in the areas with good digital foundation and strong controllability such as unmanned agricultural machinery, unmanned pig farm, unmanned chicken farm, unmanned fishing farm,and promote the experimental demonstration and industrialization development of unmanned farms through technology transfer, joint development, commissioned development and joint development base and industrialization pilot base.

the Internet of things technology integration application and demonstration, speed up the artificial intelligence and agricultural robot development, promote agricultural data ability construction, promote agricultural machinery, agronomy and information technology integrated research and system demonstration, breakthrough in agricultural big data management technology, agricultural information intelligent analysis decision-making technology, cloud service technology, agricultural knowledge intelligent push and responsenew knowledge service technology, agricultural equipment operation information perception, quantitative decision-making, intelligent control, precise input, personality service.




4.2. Formulate development plans for unmanned farms

Around no farm technology research and development, transformation, promotion, application and major issues in the process of service, completes the top design, develop no farm in agricultural leading industry and characteristic area development direction, key areas, development mode and path, reasonable layout no farm major application demonstration and industrialization projects, strengthen the government to no farm work macro guidance and overall coordination, agglomeration projects, capital, science and technology, talent resources, promote the development ofthe application of no farm. That is, we should guard against the development of the blind and the elephant, and we should oppose the fear of the disabled. Specifically to a certain place, we should highlight the regional advantages and carry out the construction of unmanned farms around transforming the regional advantages into economic advantages.

development, according to the real demand of unmanned farm and the best application mode, strengthen the unmanned farm related national standards. Increase the investment in standardization research and strengthen the construction of standardization team. The formulation of unmanned farm standards should be in line with the international standards, attach importance to the internationalization of technical standards, and pay attention to the research and implementation of the international standardization strategy of unmanned farms.




4.3. Explore the business model of unmanned farms

No farm must adhere to the commercial operation, enterprise into the main body, the idea of industrial cluster development, give full play to the association, industry alliance, enterprise leading role, build application demand for traction, take the enterprise as the main body, market demand oriented, the combination of no farm cooperation development mode, encourage large agricultural leading enterprises to actively explore. The model of cooperatives + unmanned farms should be adopted, and powerful cooperatives should be selected, and the state shouldt, so that they can play a demonstration and radiation role, so as to achieve the policy goal of accumulating strength to promote development.

industrialization of unmanned farms through technology transfer, joint development, commissioned development and joint construction of research and development bases and industrialization pilot bases. Give full play to the role of associations, alliances and enterprises, explore the business model of the development of unmanned farms, and build a cooperative development model of unmanned farms with application demand as the traction, enterprises as the main body, market demand as the guidance, and the combination of industry, university and research.




4.4. Further optimize and improve the policy environment for unmanned farms

Unmanned farm is a strategic emerging industry in China, which is the future development trend. Under the current technology and business model are not mature, it has high cost and large investment. Therefore, it is necessary for the government to build a policy support environment for the development of unmanned farms, accelerate the formulation of policy support systems including subsidies, investment, finance, credit, taxation, e-commerce, and major project construction, encourage the entry of private capital, and promote the industrialization development of unmanned farms. Agricultural technology and agricultural machinery technology popularization and application departments should take the initiative to participate, actively learn, and become the booster for the construction of unmanned farms. Efforts should be made to promote development and provide scientific and technological support for a new round of agricultural development.

higher learning, and guide vocational schools to train skilled talents urgently needed for industrial development. Encourage talents in the field of information technology to enter the relevant scientific research and application promotion in the field of unmanned farms. Actively carry out technical training, and build a smart agricultural extension team who knows the technology and operation. Leading enterprises and industry service agencies are encouraged to cultivate high-level talent teams of the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence androbots, provide industry solutions for key industries, and promote the best application practices in the industry.


4.5 Promote the construction of a number of innovative unmanned farm demonstration zones in field planting, facility horticulture, livestock and poultry breeding, aquaculture and other fields in the national modern agriculture demonstration zoneContinue to promote the unmanned farm related technology to take the lead in the breakthrough in the demonstration area. Taking advantage of the advantages of organization, scale, intensification and mechanization level of state-owned reclamation areas that are significantly higher than that of other areas, we will explore the establishment of unmanned operation mode for the main crops, dairy cows and pigs in different reclamation areas, and give full play to the demonstration and leading role of agricultural reclamation. The eastern coastal areas have a high level of agricultural modernization, so they can

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