



Talk about the past life of the IPO



struggle in the competition. As an enterprise, either become bigger and stronger, or become someone else's food. There is no compromise here, never believe in tears. Capital in this game, into also xiao, defeat also xiao. When you are satisfied, it will be the icing on the cake, let you in the bright lights. When you are lonely defeat, it will be down stone, let you more embarrassed, ruthless can not have a seam to drill down. Once upon a time, European countries creatively destroyed IPO, created a large number of developed European economies; IPO lost no time to the "midwife", a large number of multinationalenterprises, the world. Thirty years ago, three groundbreaking events took place in China:


First, the overall goal of China's economic system reform is to establish a socialist market economic system. Its significance lies in giving the initiative of economic development to the main body of market economy, thus bursting out the "blowout effect" of economic development.


The second is to return to the WTO, China grew into the "factory of the world". The world's economic wall facing China has been removed by "rules", and foreign trade has become one of the "troika" to drive the economy. In just over 20 years, China has become the world's second largest economy.


Third, the introduction of the IPO mechanism. Through this mechanism, the social idle funds set into a mickle, for the lack of development funds to solve the problem. The investor and the enterprise are their place.


what is IPO

IPO是Initial Public Offering的英语缩写。意即企业或公司首次公开募股。公司通过公开募股的方式上市,获得稳定的发展资金。认购者则从股票增殖中获得出资收益。如果公司经营不善,股票持有人则承担与持股相等的损失(有限责任)。证监机构对首次公开募股者负监督管理责任,以确保盈利前景好近几年财务无亏损的公司有资格公开上市募股。

The IPO is short in English for Initial Public Offering. It means an initial public offering of a company or a company. The company went public through a public offering to obtain stable development funds. Subscribers get the investment income from the stock proliferation. If the company is not well managed, the stock holder will bear the loss equal to the holding (limited liability). CSRC institutions are responsible for the supervision and management of ipo issuers to ensure that companies with good earnings prospects and no financial losses in recent yearsare eligible for public listing.


in advance, but under the fixed price, the lead underwriter directly determines an issue price according to the valuation results and the expectation of investors' demand. Fixed price mode is relatively simple, but the efficiency is low. In the past, China has been using the fixed price issuance method. On December 7,2004, the CSRC launched the inquiry mechanism of new shares, which is a key step in marketization. After the issuance method is determined, it has entered the formal issuance stage. At this time, if the effective subscription quantity exceeds the proposed issuance quantity, it is oversubscribed. The higher theoversubscription multiple, the stronger the demand of investors is.


In the event of an oversubscription, the lead underwriter may have the right to distribute the shares, the allotment right, and may or may not be so, in accordance with the exchange rules of the Exchange. By exercising the allotment right, the issuer can achieve an ideal shareholder structure. In China, the lead underwriter does not have the right to place the shares and must place them in proportion to the subscription.


When oversubscription occurs, the lead underwriter can also use the "overallotment option" (also known as "green shoes") to increase the number of issues."Over-allotment option" refers to the issuer gives lead underwriters an option, by the authorized lead underwriters can be in the stock listed within a certain period of time by the same issue price excess percentage of shares, in this period, if the market price is lower than the price, lead underwriters directly from the market shares allocated to purchase investors, if the market price is higher than directly by the issuer. In this way, the stock price can be maintained for a certain period after the listing, and the underwriters can resist the issuance risk, with every analysis of the market line.


Agricultural machinery enterprises queue up for IPO


On the morning of April 6,2023, with the bell ringing of Meng Jiayi, the young marshal of Huaxi Technology, a new listed company was added in the domestic agricultural machinery industry.


Huaxi Technology Co., Ltd., more familiar with the domestic agricultural machinery circle, is the invisible champion in the subdivision of crop straw baler business in China, and the leading enterprise in the domestic small square baler industry. In recent years, Huaxi Technology has, through two generations of efforts, with strength and professional standards and three consecutive years of preparation, finally opened the door of the North Exchange. It is reported that Huaxi Technology is the first agricultural machinery and equipment enterprise to be listed in the North Exchange.


Huaxi Technology, the IPO gate of domestic agricultural machinery enterprises may be opened. Taking the advantage of the national policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers and capital assisting agriculture, the listing boots of Weichai Lewo, Ward Agricultural Machinery, BoShiran, Yinghu Machinery, Weima, Topu Yunnong and other enterprises will accelerate the landing. With the demonstration effect, there will be more agricultural machinery enterprises sprint behind the capital market, the domestic agricultural machinery industry competition will upgrade, thesecond capital wave of agricultural machinery industry arrival. Visible, say domestic agricultural machinery industry is capital depression when deserved! In addition to huaxi technology, the domestic agricultural machinery industry recently a exchange bell company is Shandong hong yu shares, the listing time is on August 2,2017, after seven years, although with agricultural machinery, horse shares, extremely fly technology, bowl ran company before after IPO, but never knocked on the main board market door, the adolescent domestic agricultural machinery industry is a kind of hone.


More than 4,000 outstanding enterprises rushed to the IPO battlefield, indicating that IPO has great value to enterprises. IPO for agricultural machinery enterprises at least have the following benefits:


First, raise a huge amount of funds at low cost to solve the capital problems in the development of enterprises and accelerate the growth of enterprises. In the prospectus of Ward in 2022 and the prospectus of Weichai Lewo in 2023, the IPO of the two enterprises raised 6 billion yuan and 5 billion yuan respectively. If the listing is successful and raises a huge amount of money, the growth of the two companies will accelerate and change the competitive pattern of the domestic and global agricultural machinery industry. IPO to raise moneyfrom specific object or the majority of people, enterprise is free of use, return people is the future dividends, if the enterprise management, no profit can not take responsibility, compared to the Banks, financial institutions, personal financing, IPO listed financing is a way of the lowest cost, this is also the biggestattraction of IPO, is also for the enterprise of the IPO.


Second, the enterprise visibility, reputation, brand influence and other intangible value. It is true that the successful IPO of agricultural machinery enterprises, in the industry are benign management, have a certain popularity of good companies, but the same are good companies, enterprises once successfully listed, there will be carp jump Longmen effect, from then on the wind and rain, resource gathering.


Third, standardized operation, listing for agricultural machinery enterprises is not only to open up the channel of direct financing, but more importantly, to realize the leap-forward development from commodity management to capital management, which has a milestone significance. Listing is a financing opportunity, but also to standardize enterprise behavior and comprehensively improve the opportunity of enterprises.


Fourth, entrepreneurs and investors can increase the value of their wealth and realize their wealth through the capital market. From the IPO information system of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, the GEM Board, the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Beijing Stock Exchange, the companies currently queuing for IPO include Xinjiang Bo Shiran, Weima Agricultural Machinery, Ward Agricultural Machinery, Yinghu Agricultural Machinery, Weichai Lewo, Tuopu Yunnong, Runnong WaterSaving, etc. But the above list is just the tip of the iceberg. At present, there are dozens of new enterprises in the agricultural machinery industry that are sharpening their knives. It is their natural appeal to enter the new gains in the capital market, and these "new agricultural machinery" enterprises generally have the genes of Internet and intelligent agricultural machinery.


and agricultural Internet of Things. According to industry experts analysis, the IPO, the first wave as a vanguard is weichai lei wo, farmers, tiger with traditional tractors, joint harvester farm machinery of equipment manufacturing agricultural machinery enterprises, the second and third wave will be born with a digital, accurate, intelligent, unmanned, new energy gene "Internet + agricultural machinery" "Internet of things + agricultural machinery" "wisdom agriculture + agricultural machinery" high-tech agricultural machinery company.


After the successful listing of these agricultural machinery enterprises, the domestic capital market will truly form a powerful agricultural machinery equipment sector, and some enterprises may go listed overseas and become listed companies in two places or more places. In the process of China's agricultural machinery going out, capital will play the dual role of engine and leader.


In the era of competition, the standard IPO is undoubtedly the only way to become bigger and stronger


China's agricultural machinery industry did not enter the stage of brand competition, social marketing competition, due to the jungle competition environment, determines China's agricultural machinery market will not follow the European and American agricultural machinery market route, in order to escape the red sea as soon as possible, almost all complete the original accumulation company choose independent IPO, namely capital to break.


As long as the IPO is successful, not only everything paid in the early stage will be rewarded and realized, the founders and executives will realize wealth freedom and jump into the gate of the world. This is the dimension of competition, which is equivalent to entering the three-dimensional space, and the three-dimensional competition is the low-dimensional attack.



Agricultural machinery industry has entered the stage of oligopoly, competition at the same time, has entered the stage of capital competition, but capital is advanced competition, capital competition is also a few players competition, wo, any successful IPO, for both sides and the industry will have a huge and far-reaching influence, industry competition pattern may look brand-new. The highest level of competition is capital competition, the winner is the initiative of strategy, can be the time and space advantage of others. Future only big and strong agricultural machinerye for a place, globally, John Deere, the new Holland, love, kubota, A drag, way, mas, multinational giants or domestic head enterprise, is almost all listed companies, A drag or A shares and H shares both listed companies, 90% of American companies financing from direct financing, and domestic only about 15%.


Domestic agricultural machinery enterprises should actively embrace capital. On the one hand, they should raise funds through the capital market to help enterprises quickly make scale and industry influence; on the other hand, they should use the listed platform of listed companies to build brand image and use the platform resources to integrate the industry stock resources, so as to compress the growth cycle and quickly establish scale and strength advantages.

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