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农机装备或将加速推进 ,转型升级聚焦6大方向

农机装备或将加速推进 ,转型升级聚焦6大方向

















































Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Will be Accelerated for Transformation and Upgrading with Focusing on Six Major Directions

Agricultural machinery and equipment provides an important material basis for the development of modern agriculture.To promote the development of agricultural machinery and equipment. that is the objective requirement for improving the agricultural labor productivity, land production rate and resource utilization rate, and the practical need to support the development of agricultural mechanization, transform the mode of agricultural development andenhance agricultural quality and benefit and international competitiveness.

During ‘the twelfthFive-Year Plan’ period, China has achieved significant results in the development of agricultural machinery and equipment, and served as a major producing country of agricultural machinery. But there are still a variety of problems, such as incomplete product variety, low quality, shortageof medium and high-end products supply, controlledbyothers onkey components and parts, littleresearch  of generic technology, not close integration of agricultural machinery and agricultural technology and so on, as well as prominent contradiction with China’s modern agricultural construction needs, which is in urgent need for transformation and upgrading.

‘Agricultural machinery and equipment’ has beenb included in the ten key fields to be advanced in Made in China 2025the State Council issued in May 2015, development direction and key tasks of agricultural equipment were specified. To implement relevant requirements, accelerate the industrial upgrading of China’s agricultural machinery and equipment, develop, integrate and apply the technical equipment applicable to modern agricultural construction promote the transformation of mode of agricultural development and the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in the rural areas, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture and NDRC jointly issued the Agricultural Equipment Development Action Plan 2016-2025 (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan) in November 2016, and set up the Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Development and Promotion Team which was composed of 11 departments including the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce and AQSIQ, aiming to strengthen the macro guidance of cultivation and development of agricultural machinery and equipment industry, macro guidance, research and coordinate the major issues in industry development and promote the implementation of major policy measures.

The key task of the Action Plan is to focus on the main problems in the agricultural machinery industry to achieve the strategic objectives of enhancing the manufacturingcapacity of agricultural machinery and equipment and promoting modern agricultural development through implementation of five special projects, including innovation of hosting products, development of key components and parts, improvement in product reliability and quality, construction of public service platform, and integration of agricultural machinery and technology.

TheAction Program is known as the program of action for the agricultural machinery development in the next decade. For nearly a year since its release, relevant departments work together and make positive efforts to promote the development of agricultural machinery and equipment, and yield remarkable results.

In 2017, the NLD Central launched a large-scale research campaign with the aim of ‘taking reform and innovation as the lead to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of China’s agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturing’.The research group went to relevant local departments, agricultural equipment manufacturers, agricultural cooperatives, relevant service agencies and rural households in Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan and other places, and tried to have an all-round understanding of the development situation of China’s equipment manufacturing industry. In the supply-demand structural contradiction of reduction in capacity of low-end products and dependence of high-end products on exports, it has been increasingly urgent for China’s agricultural equipment manufacturing industry to achieve transformation and upgrading.

The Ministry of Science and Technology has launched the key special project of “Intelligent Agricultural Machinery and Equipment” listed in the national key research and development program during ‘the Thirteenth Five-year Plan’ period, and has set up a general expert group.Based on the ‘intelligent, efficient and environmental’ requirements for agricultural machinery, the special project aims at the target of ‘achieving autonomy of key core technology, intelligentization of leading equipment products and mechanization of weak links’ to provide integrated science and technology innovation design for combination of intelligent equipment, lean manufacturing, research on industry chain and foundation of fine operation, key tackling and innovation chainof equipment development and demonstration application, which is designed to enhance the industry innovation capability and lead the agricultural machinery industry to achieve qualityand efficient development.

The key special project of ‘Intelligent Agricultural Machinery and Equipment’ will be deployed according to application foundation technology research, key generic technology and major equipment development, typical application demonstration and other innovation links, with 47 items set with focus on 11 task directions, such as agricultural operation information perception and fine production control application foundation research, intelligent design and verification of agricultural equipment, key common technology development for management of intelligent operation,intelligent agricultural power machinery and efficient, precise and environmental multifunctional farmland operation, intelligent and efficient harvest of grain and economic crops, intelligent, fine production of facilities, intelligent drying and fine sorting technology of agricultural products after production and development of major equipment, intelligent processing of animal and aquatic products in place of origin and application demonstration of mechanized operation in hilly and mountain areas and paddy field, etc.

The Ministry of Agriculture has introduced a series of policy measures with the focus on promoting the implementation of integration of agricultural machinery and technology, construction of public service platform and other special projects in the Action Plan. First is to enhance the technology research and development capability for integration of agriculturalmachinery and technology.Increase the number of experts in the post of agricultural machinery in the national modern agricultural industry technology system during ‘the Thirteenth Five-year Plan’period to achieve full coverage of 50 systems; set up the strategic expert consultation group and innovation professional group of agricultural mechanization technology innovation; plan to establish 16 key agricultural engineeringlabs and 22 fully mechanized scientific test bases.Second is to drive the technology research and development and promotion of key equipment. Carry out research and development of key equipment and demonstration of mechanization technology integration; promote the formation of a number of scientific and technological innovation alliances; launchthe ‘fully mechanization promotion action for production of major crops’; focus on training major clients of agricultural machinery and agricultural machinery cooperative leader. Third is to promote the reform and innovation of agricultural machinery and equipment evaluation. Intensify the revision of the evaluation and application standard system for new equipment and products; promote the reform of agricultural machinery test and appraisal system. Last but not least is to strengthen the supporting and guiding role of the subsidy policy for purchasing agricultural machinery. Highlight the orientation of green ecology; intensify the pilot efforts in subsidizing the purchase of new agricultural machinery products; optimize the grade for key machines and tools and increase the amount of subsidies; increase support for scrapping and renewal of agricultural machinery.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has organized the implementation of the ‘Special Project of Intelligent Manufacturing’, ‘Project with Strong Industrial Base’and other major projects.The Special Project of Intelligent Manufacturing arranged a total of 266 items in 2015 and 2016, including 12 items in the field of agriculturalmachinery. It arranged a total of 208 items in 2017, including 5 items in the new mode of intelligent manufacturing of agricultural machinery and 2 items in standardization.With regard to the special project with strong industrial base, the agricultural machinery item ‘large-scale economic crop harvesting machinery hydraulic system’obtained project approval in 2015.

To further promote the rapid development of agricultural machinery and equipment, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology hosted the 1st Meeting and Agricultural Machinery and Equipment On-site Promotion Meeting of the Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Development and Promotion Team in Shihezi, Xinjiang on September 22, 2017. The meeting examined and approved the Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Development and Promotion Work Mechanism, specifying the tasks of the Action Plan during 2017-2018.

It was agreed on the meeting thatthe development of agricultural machinery and equipment was an essential material and technological basis for agricultural modernization, which directly relatedto China’s agricultural modernization process.China has achieved some results in the development of the agricultural machinery and equipment industry, but there is still a gap with the international advanced level, making it still unable to fully meet the needs of agricultural modernization.From a global point of view, the development of agriculturalmachinery and equipment shows a new development tendency, characterized by large-scale collectivization,intelligentization and precision, integration and high efficiency.From a domestic point of view, the fundamental factors that support the development of China’s agricultural machinery and equipment remain unchanged, namely, there are more opportunities than challenges, the development demand for agricultural machinery and equipment has huge potential, the development demand for ‘full coverage’becomes prominent, automated and intelligent need to keep growing and the service operation mode continues to innovate.

The convening of the agricultural machinery and equipment promotion meeting further clarifies the development ideas of agricultural machinery and equipment.Establish the concept of‘innovation, coordination, greening, openness and sharing’, coordinate the deployment in accordance with Made in China 2025 and focus on the implementation of the Action Plan. Take promoting supply-side structural reform as main line, adapting to the transformation of the mode of agricultural development as orientation, promoting agricultural machinery and equipment transformation and upgrading, and improving the equipment support capability for modern agricultural construction as objective and filling the gap, strengthening the weakness, improving the quality and increasing the benefit as focus to advance the work in six major aspects as follows.

First is to strongly coordinate and improve the interactive promotion mechanism. Strengthen the communication and coordination between departments, timely research the major problems in industrial development and constantly adjust the optimization policy system to make concerted efforts in policies. Second is to focus on innovation andfoster the core competitiveness.Third isto vigorously promote and strengthen quality brand building.Fourth is to strengthen self-discipline and rigorously enforce the industry standard management.Five is to take multiple measures simultaneously and strengthentalent team construction. Sixth is to promote open cooperation and enhance the international development capacity.

Shortly after the Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Promotion Meeting, China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association took the lead again about‘Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Development Symposium’on October 10. Combined with the development situation of China’s agricultural machinery and equipment, the meeting offers advice and suggestions for industrial development in links of research and development, production, test, pilot test and promotion and application, respectively. In addition, the meeting also provides specific opinions and suggestions especially for how to make good use of existing stock policy and the new supportive policies and measures to be introduced, in order to guarantee the smooth implementation of the Action Plan.

At present, the development of China’s agricultural machinery industry has entered a critical period of structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading, during which it has encountered many difficulties, but relevant departmentshave released a series of positive measures.I believe thatnew supportive policies and measures will be introduced in the near future to boost the accelerated development of agricultural machinery and equipment!







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