


    河南瑞锋机械有限公司,植根于中原大地,位于新乡市西16公里获嘉县火车站西南角200米,是以研发、生产花生剥壳机、花生摘果机、花生清选机、花生收获机等产品为主的中型企业。是国内产销量最大、品牌影响力最强、最具竞争力的花生机械制造行业的领军者。企业资产规模达5000多万元。占地面积 66700平方米。



企业研发的产品广泛应用于花生产区的农民、农机专业合作社、花生种植大户、粮库、油脂加工厂、农场、建设兵团等。产品销售国内21个省市自治区,市场占有 率在我国名列前茅。部分产品出口到东南亚、印度、伊朗、冈比亚、塞内加尔、赞比亚、巴西等国家,在国际市场上占有一定份额,享有较高的声誉。



Company Profile

200 meters southwest of Huojia County Railway Station, 16 kilometers west of Xinxiang City, Henan Ruifeng Machinery Co., Ltd. is a medium-sized enterprise merging development and production of peanut shellers, pickers, cleaners and harvesters into a single whole. With assets of 50 million Yuan and an area of 66,700 square meters, this company is a leader in the domestic


peanut machinery manufacturing industry with the largest sales, best influence and competitiveness.

Its products are widely used in peanut farmers, agricultural machinery cooperatives, major peanut planters, grain warehouses, oil plant processing factories, farms and construction and production corps. Taking lead in the domestic market share, it has its products sell well in 21 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. It has some of its products export to Southeast Asian countries, India, Iran, Gambia, Senegal, Zambia and Brazil, occupying certain share in the international market and well received.

This company took lead in passing ISO9001 quality system authentication. It has won more than 30 national patents. It has participated in the revision of national machinery industry peanut


sheller standards and peanut picker standards of the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2013, it was identified by Xinxiang Municipal Science and Technology Bureau as “Xinxiang Peanut Mechanical Engineering Technology Research Center” to undertake Technology Innovation Project 13C26214103728 of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Adhering to the business aim of honesty and “quality first, reputation first”, and market orientation, this company constantly improves its technological innovation capability, has its products take lead at home in terms of technological standards and provides satisfactory products and services to customers.


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