









美国是世界上农业最发达、技术最先进的国家之一。高度发达的资本主义商品生产,促使美国在本世纪40年代领先世界各国最早实现了粮食生产机械化。60年代后期,粮食生产机械化水平更加提高,达到了从土地耕翻、整地、播种、田间管理、收获、干燥等全过程机械化;70年代初完成了棉花、甜菜等经济作物从种植到收获各环节的全面机械化。当前依然在种植业、工厂化畜禽饲养、设施农业、农产品加工等方面保持着世界先进水平。高度机械化水平,科学有效的管理,大大提高了农业劳动生产率。1987年美国农业劳动力人均产值达到了55300美元,是当时其他发达国家的4倍,居世界第一位。农业机械化有力地促进了美国农业的快速发展,也使美国成为世界上第一农产品出口大国。 美国约翰迪尔公司、凯斯万国公司、福特公司(拖拉机)等大型跨国农机公司生产的农业机械生产率高,性能先进,标准化、系列化、通用化程度高,制造质量好,使用可靠,方便、舒适性好,为世界先进水平。在本国和世界使用广泛,深受用户欢迎。 为了保护农业生态环境,实现农业的可持续发展,最有效地利用和节约农业资源,提高农业劳动生产率和农产品商品率,保持农业在国际上的竞争力,美国特别重视农业的发展和农业的现代化。美国工业如机械、化肥、航空航天等方面为农业提供了大量农业机械、化肥、农用飞机等先进生产资料和装备,使农业几十年以来一直成为主要出口产业。美国高度重视农业保护性耕作技术与机械的推广和使用。经过长期努力,目前实施保护性耕作(按作物残茬覆盖量达到30%为标准计算)的比重,大豆已达到30%—40%、玉米25%。实际屯地表作物残茬覆盖量小于30%而接近标准的土地耕作面积远大于上述数。为了适应农业保护性涯作技术的需要,美国约翰迪尔公司、凯斯万国公司等农机厂商,已向农业提供了大量保护性耕作用的少耕、免耕农业机械。 近几年,美国在谷物联合收割机、喷雾机、播种机等农业装备上开始采用卫星全球定位系统监控作业等高新技术。农业出现了向精准农业方向发展的趋势

标签: 美国农业机械大全



The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in agricultural machinery has a relatively short history in the United States, but it is rapidly growing. The use of AI in agriculture has the potential to increase productivity, efficiency, and sustainability while reducing labor costs.

One early example of AI in agricultural machinery was the development of automated milking systems for dairy cows in the 1990s. These systems used sensors and computer vision to detect and milk cows without human intervention.

In recent years, AI has been increasingly applied to other agricultural machinery, such as tractors, combines, and drones. For example, some tractor manufacturers have begun using AI to optimize tractor operation based on soil conditions and other data.

Similarly, combines and other harvesters can use AI to optimize crop yield and quality by analyzing data on crop health, soil conditions, weather patterns, and other factors.

Drones equipped with sensors and AI can also be used for precision agriculture, such as monitoring crop health and growth, identifying and treating disease or pests, and optimizing irrigation and fertilization.

Overall, the application of AI in agricultural machinery is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize agriculture and help farmers increase their productivity and efficiency while reducing their environmental impact.







The development of artificial intelligence (AI) in agricultural machinery is rapidly advancing, and there are many exciting developments happening in this field. Some of the current areas of development include:

Precision agriculture: One of the most promising areas of development for AI in agriculture is precision agriculture. AI-powered sensors and drones are being used to monitor crop health, detect pests and diseases, and optimize water and fertilizer usage. This allows farmers to make more informed decisions about how to manage their crops, which can lead to higher yields and better sustainability.

Autonomous vehicles: Autonomous vehicles, including tractors and combines, are being developed with AI to enable them to operate independently, without human intervention. These vehicles use sensors, cameras, and other technologies to navigate fields and perform tasks such as planting, harvesting, and fertilizing.

Robotics: AI-powered robots are being developed to perform a range of agricultural tasks, from weeding and pruning to picking and packing crops. These robots can operate around the clock, with greater accuracy and efficiency than human labor, and can help to reduce labor costs for farmers.

Data analytics: AI is being used to analyze vast amounts of data generated by agricultural machinery, such as yield data, weather patterns, and soil conditions. This data can be used to optimize farming practices and make more informed decisions about crop management.

Overall, the development of AI in agricultural machinery is advancing rapidly, and there is great potential for these technologies to transform the agricultural industry in the United States and around the world.







While the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in agricultural machinery is rapidly advancing, there are still several challenges that need to be overcome to fully realize the potential of these technologies. Some of the main difficulties include:

Data quality and access: AI requires large amounts of high-quality data to be effective. However, many farmers may not have access to the necessary data or may have data that is incomplete or of poor quality. This can limit the effectiveness of AI-powered agricultural machinery.

Adoption and training: Many farmers may be reluctant to adopt new technologies, particularly if they are unfamiliar with them or if they require significant training. This can limit the adoption of AI-powered agricultural machinery, even if it has the potential to improve efficiency and productivity.

Cost: AI-powered agricultural machinery can be expensive, particularly for small farmers who may not have the resources to invest in these technologies. This can limit the adoption of these technologies and prevent smaller farmers from benefiting from the efficiencies and productivity gains they offer.

Regulatory hurdles: There may be regulatory hurdles to the adoption of AI-powered agricultural machinery, particularly around issues such as privacy and data security. This can slow down the development and adoption of these technologies.

Technical challenges: Developing effective AI-powered agricultural machinery requires significant technical expertise in areas such as machine learning, computer vision, and robotics. There is a shortage of skilled workers in these areas, which can limit the pace of development of these technologies.

Overall, while the development of AI-powered agricultural machinery is advancing rapidly, there are several challenges that need to be overcome to ensure that these technologies can be effectively deployed to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability.








The future development direction for artificial intelligence (AI) in agricultural machinery is likely to be focused on improving efficiency, sustainability, and resilience. Some of the key areas of development include:

Data-driven decision making: AI will continue to be used to collect and analyze vast amounts of data generated by agricultural machinery, such as yield data, weather patterns, and soil conditions. This data can be used to optimize farming practices and make more informed decisions about crop management.

Autonomous machinery: Autonomous machinery, such as tractors and combines, will continue to be developed with AI to enable them to operate independently, without human intervention. This will allow farmers to save time and money while improving efficiency and productivity.

Precision agriculture: Precision agriculture will continue to be a major focus of development for AI in agricultural machinery. AI-powered sensors and drones will continue to be used to monitor crop health, detect pests and diseases, and optimize water and fertilizer usage.

Robotics: Robotics will continue to be developed with AI to perform a range of agricultural tasks, from weeding and pruning to picking and packing crops. This will help to reduce labor costs for farmers and increase productivity.

Sustainable agriculture: AI will be increasingly used to help farmers adopt sustainable farming practices, such as reducing pesticide and fertilizer use, improving soil health, and managing water resources more efficiently.

Overall, the future development direction for AI in agricultural machinery is likely to be focused on improving efficiency, sustainability, and resilience, helping farmers to produce more food with fewer resources while reducing the environmental impact of farming.











标签: 美国农业机械大全








标签: 美国农业机械大全

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